뇌질환의 혁신, 뉴로벤티(NeuroVenti)


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NeuroVenti, Participates in "2024 AUTISM EEUM FESTIVAL"

페이지 정보

조회 615회 작성일 24-11-19


NeuroVenti, Participates in "2024 AUTISM EEUM FESTIVAL"

We have been to "2024 AUTISM EEUM FESTIVAL." Anytime, anywhere it's about autism, our company with together always :)


The event began last year when the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) co-hosted the Seoul National University Hospital's Central Support Team and the KIST Future Foundation to introduce and exchange information on various research and support programs related to developmental disabilities. It was designed to solve the challenges at hand, design the future, and draw interest and understanding from society in the process of realizing policies, research, and professional programs related to developmental disabilities. On Tuesday, November 19th this year, "2024 AUTISM EEUM FESTIVAL" was held at the Johnson auditorium of the main building of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, and Neurobenti also participated in the event.

"2024 AUTISM EEUM FESTIVAL," which means "EEUM," which connects research and clinical practice on autism, consists of three sessions and the last celebratory performance. In the first session, Professor Do Rye-mi, a clinical psychologist and research professor at Seoul National University Hospital, presented the theme of "Using AI for Autism Living Lab and Diagnostic Assessment," and in the second session, Professor Jang Soo-min of Seoul National University Hospital presented the "Prospect of Autism Digital Therapy," and Heo Soo-yeon, a special teacher at Seoul National University Hospital's Center for the Developmentally Disabled, presented the "Impact of Video Modeling-Based Sociality Promotion Program on Social Skills of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities," and in the third session, which took place after lunch, Professor Heo Jun-ryul of Harvard Medical School presented the theme of "Understanding Fever Response as an Autism Preclinical Model and Moving on to FLASH."

The last stage of the autistic orchestra Dreamwith Ensemble made the festival richer and impressed many who attended the event.

NeuroVenti Magazine 이지훈_ info@neuroventi.com