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[ASD Related Information] What is ASD?

페이지 정보

조회 196회 작성일 23-08-04



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[ASD Related Information] What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

- Definition of ASD

Under the category of "overall developmental disabilities," they included autism, Asperger syndrome, overall developmental disabilities that were not otherwise classified, and dissociation disabilities in childhood, all of which were combined into a single diagnostic category called ASD. To diagnose a child with ASD, there must be problems in two main areas.

- Key symptoms for diagnosis

1. They continue to have difficulties in social communication and social interaction in various situations, and the difficulties cannot be explained by other delays in development. These include difficulty continuing normal conversations in the way of giving and receiving each other, difficulty in making eye contact, inability to make appropriate facial expressions, and difficulty in adjusting behavior according to various social situations.

2. Obsessive and repetitive aspects of behavior, interest, or activity include unusual behavior, stereotyped behavior, a strong obsession with performing daily life in a set order, and a tendency to pay attention to unusual objects or interests. Sensory abnormalities that are commonly observed in ASD children but have not previously been used for diagnosis are also included. Children with sensory abnormalities are excessively sensitive to specific sounds, textures, or light. Conversely, they show an attitude that is peculiarly insensitive to causing hot, cold, or pain.

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