뇌질환의 혁신, 뉴로벤티(NeuroVenti)


Here's the news about NeuroVenti

[NVM] Korea's highest-level NeuroVenti CDRO service related to brain d…

페이지 정보

조회 1,661회 작성일 24-03-25


NeuroVenti has set a sales target of KRW 1 billion for its brain disease non-clinical CDRO service business for 2024 this year.

NeuroVenti's non-clinical CDRO service for brain diseases boasts the highest level in Korea in terms of brain diseases, and has already signed contracts worth more than 700 million won last year alone, exceeding the target of 600 million won. As of March 2024, some places are already discussing test design and contracts with 200 million won.

As of March 2024, we hope to grow this year's business and produce more professional results by recruiting Dr. Kim Ryeong-Eun, who has various experiences in degenerative brain disease research-based tissues, cells, molecular biology, and animal experiments, as well as Dr. Sayson Leandro Val, who excels in addiction and mental disease research, and Jeong Suhyeon, a senior researcher who has studied the correlation between brain disease and peripheral field based on brain-gut axis.

The recruitment of the workforce is expected to contribute significantly to the qualitative and quantitative growth of the Neuroventi non-clinical CDRO R&D team as well as to the development of the pipeline.