뇌질환의 혁신, 뉴로벤티(NeuroVenti)


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International Brain Science Initiative (IBI) Conference 2024, NeuroVen…

페이지 정보

조회 1,535회 작성일 24-07-31


From the 29th to the 3rd, at the 'International Brain Science Initiative (IBI) Daegu Conference 2024' held by the Korea Brain Research Institute in Daegu, NeuroVenti CEO Shin Chan-young presented on the topic of depression.

The International Brain Science Initiative (IBI) is an international brain research community first established in 2017 for international cooperation in brain science, and is participated by Korea, the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, China, and Japan. In particular, the 'IBI Emotional Brain Research Group' launched in 2022 under the leadership of the Korea Brain Research Institute is leading international cooperation to understand the emotional functions of the brain and overcome emotional disorders such as depression, stress, schizophrenia, and addiction, and to build an emotional brain map.

This conference, now in its third year, was held under the theme of 'Building a Brain Map of Mental Illness' to expand multilateral international cooperation for overcoming mental illness. Domestic and international scholars attended the conference to share the latest research trends and discuss joint research strategies through lectures, symposiums, and poster sessions. In particular, Professor Paul Frankland of the University of Toronto, Canada, famous for his memory research, gave a keynote speech titled 'The Development of Hippocampus-Dependent Memory', and domestic and international scholars such as Professor Akira Sawa of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (schizophrenia), Professor Anthony Hannan of the University of Melbourne, Australia (depression), Professor Sang-ki Park of POSTECH (schizophrenia), Professor Chan-young Shin of Konkuk University (depression), and Professor Hyung-bae Kwon of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (reward/motivation) attended the conference and gave presentations and discussions. This conference was held for three days with symposium sessions on four topics that are gaining attention in the cognitive and emotional fields: memory and cognitive disorders, reward, motivation, and addiction, psychosis and schizophrenia, and stress, sociality, and depression. During the conference, new scientists, including master’s and doctoral students and postdocs (postdoctoral researchers) in the field of domestic brain research, participated in poster sessions and presented their latest research results. On the last day of the event, an award for excellent posters was given to young researchers who achieved excellent research results, and a committee meeting was held at the end to discuss future joint research strategies among key scientists participating in the IBI research group.

Director Koo Ja-wook of the Global Emotion and Addiction Research Center at the Korea Brain Research Institute said, “Emotional disorders and addictions are emerging as major issues in modern society,” and “We will strengthen joint research to overcome emotional disorders through multilateral international cooperation with the best scientists from various countries around the world.”