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[ASD Related Information] ASD Children's Brain

페이지 정보

조회 164회 작성일 23-09-06


[ASD Related Information] Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children's Brain

Differences in Brain Structure in ASD Children

: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children exhibit unique differences in brain structure, which are less likely to occur in the general population. Although these differences cannot explain the cause of ASD, they can be helpful in explaining some of the differences in social communication, temperament, and motor function. Since many of these brain structures are formed in early/mid pregnancy, such events are likely to occur early in pregnancy if environmental factors influence the development of ASD. Furthermore, it has been suggested by the latest brain imaging techniques that the connections of various parts of the brain of ASD children are different from those of the general population. More research is needed to see what the nature of these connections is and how these differences affect brain function and thus manifest ASD symptoms.

- Up to 16% of ASD children have larger than normal head sizes (catheter).

- an increase in total brain volume. 

- Decreased number of PURKINJE cells in cerebellum 

Purkinetic cells coordinate motor functions with large neurons present in the brain. (Language, attention, and image formation are also related.)

- difference in the maturation of the anterior limbic system

The limbic system is related to emotion, behavior, long-term memory, and smell.

- the difference between the frontal and temporal lobes

The frontal lobe is associated with various aspects of high-level cognitive functions, control of impulses in emotions and actions, and the ability to express thoughts in words. The temporal lobe plays an important role in the detection and processing of hearing, the processing of sight, and the formation of long-term memory, and integrates touch and taste with memory.

- difference in the neocortex

The neocortex is related to sensory perception, motor command formation, spatial reasoning, conscious thinking, language, etc., and intellectual disability, convulsions, etc

- the difference between the brainstem

The brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord. It transmits sensory signals from the body to the brain, motor signals from the brain to each part of the body, and is also related to the heart rate, lung breathing function, sleep cycle, and consciousness.

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